Friday, December 20, 2013

It's All Over and I'm Back To Blogging

               Phew!  Now that all the pressure from mid-year exams, is off my chest, I can finally get back to working on my blog!  I just realized that the last time I posted was just about a month ago.  So today, I want to post something interesting and fun.
               So here is a video about a newly released game, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag.  It is about a game in which assassins hunt down people.  The work in the dark to serve the light.  Since they're assassins, they can do a bunch of cool moves.  For example, one of the is the "Leap of Faith".  The leap of faith is which when the assassin climbs up to a very high building, jumps off and lands on some sort of soft landing, like a haystack.  But there is always some theory to everything, the speaker in the video talks about how assassins are almost "breaking" science.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! Keep it up. I love the new look of the blog.


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